The Iceland tour dates are up! and here below, the poster can be found in the live section here on the site :) Can't believe it's only a few short weeks away.. it's been about two years since I was last there..

Fimmtudaginn 1 júlí - Draugasetrið, Stokkseyri Föstudaginn 2 júlí - Oddakirkja, Rangárvöllum Laugardaginn 3 Júlí - Café Rosenberg, Reykjavík

Föstudaginn 9 júlí - Hótel Framtíð, Djúpavogi

Fimmtudaginn 15 júlí - Græni Hatturinn, Akureyri and here's the facebook event

Also thought I'd share something with you.. This was made as part of the 48 hour film challenge..


One more poem next week at the end of music month ;) till then - have wonderful days.
