It's been one week and it's so lovely to be back. The things I had forgotten I was missing.. like the smell of Iceland summer.. and Blóðberg.. Which I've just discovered is Thymus Praecox - or Creeping thyme in english.. and the candy... nothing compares to Icelandic Kúlusúkk (chocolate coated liquorice bits) And you can actually order Icelandic candy and more online here at 

I played last friday for Hemmi Gunn at Bylgjan (Icelandic Radio station) in Akranes, where there was a big market and carnival set up outside and it was 20 degrees, then went away for the weekend to a summer house in Hella where everything is green and beautiful.. Did a couple of short videos yesterday to show you around..

Here are some pics and videos full of goofyness.. my first video-blogs and highly embarrassing really.. xox


